Saturday, 8 September 2012

History of the Mormons in Nauvoo - LDS - 3/3 is a video describing how to learn more about the Mormon Church. After being expelled from Missouri by the Extermination Order, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church) found refuge in the city of Quincy, Illinois, in January of 1839. The kind people there helped the Mormons until they could find another location in which to establish themselves. Brigham Young and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles led the Church while Joseph remained in prison on false charges of treason. Finally, on April 16, a friendly guard, realizing that Joseph and the others were being confined illegally, allowed them to escape. On April 25, Joseph and the other leaders selected a town named Commerce in Hancock County, Illinois, to be their new city. It was a beautiful, though swampy location overlooking a large bend in the Mississippi river. They bought the land and began settling there. The Twelve Apostles soon left again to preach the Gospel. Joseph Smith remained behind to help build up the new city. Joseph changed the name to Nauvoo, which comes from the Hebrew word meaning beautiful . Joseph and the other leaders determined that they would not let themselves be driven and harassed by illegal mobs again. They petitioned for and obtained a charter for their own city, which gave them the legal right to defend themselves against attacks both from the law and from mobs. It also stated that no resident of Nauvoo could be arrested without a writ ...

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